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We’ll be at Charley’s Waterfront Cafe on Monday, September 12!

Help us kick off the fall season filled with exciting Southside SPCA events by joining us on Monday, September 12, at Charley’s Waterfront Cafe in Farmville for our monthly restaurant fundraising event.  We’ll be there from 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 pm!  So join us for lunch, dinner, or both!  We’ll also be kicking off our Decision 2016! Dogs v Cats election fundraiser.  You’ll have the chance to cast your vote for Who will Rule – Dogs or Cats!  We’ll also have details on how you can enter your dog or cat in our exciting Dogs v Cats Photo Contest!

Thanks to the great folks at Charley’s for hosting us and donating a portion of the days profits to support the important mission of Southside SPCA.  We hope to see you there!  Come on by and come hungry!
