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Support the Southside SPCA and The United Way – Adopt a Derby Duck and WIN BIG!

The Southside SPCA is a proud partner of The United Way of Prince Edward County, and we are grateful for the generous support we receive through donors to the United Way.  So, we are super-excited to help promote The Great Farmville Duck Derby!  The Derby will take place at the Heart of Virginia Festival on May 5, 5:00 PM at Farmville’s Riverside Park.

You can adopt a duck for the race for only $5.00 and then watch the little ducks race down the Appomattox River.  A Quack Pack of 6 ducks is only $25 and you can increase your winning chances by adopting 25 ducks for $100!  The first place duck wins $1000.  Second and third place ducks win $500 and $250, respectively.  You don’t have to be present to win.

So, come on out to the Heart of Virginia Festival on May 5 and stop by the Southside SPCA booth for some fun and games.  Then head down to Riverside Park at 5:00 PM for the great Duck Derby!

All proceeds from the Duck Derby benefit the partners of the United Way of Prince Edward County, including the Southside SPCA!  To adopt a duck for the great race, contact Mark Fink at markfink39@gmail.com, or stop in any of these Farmville area locations:  The Fishin’ Pig, Uptown Coffee Shop, Citizens Bank & Trust, and the Farmville Area Chamber of Commerce.  Hurry!  Duck adoptions end April 16!  We hope to see you at the Derby!

Duck Derby Flyer