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Our Holiday Donation Drive was a Great Success!

Thanks to our awesome supporters we shattered last years record at our annual Holiday Donation Drive. $6,302 was raised for the Southside SPCA along with countless donations of goods!!!

Heartfelt thanks go out to all of our supporters, businesses, and many volunteers who helped to make our event a success.  Special thanks go out to our tireless event organizer, Steve Smelcer, who spent countless hours planning for this event.  And, thanks to all our volunteers on the Farmville COOLE Commitee for all of your hard work, too!  We are grateful to the Hampton Inn of Farmville for opening their doors to us for this special fundraiser.

Highlights of the day included some of our residents marching in the Farmville Christmas parade, a special visit by Captain Tami Gray of Wicked Tuna Outer Banks, photos with Santa and the Grinch, a fantastic bake sale, and countless awesome raffle and auction items.  It’s hard to imagine a more special event dedicated to supporting the mission of Southside SPCA!  Thanks to so many who care so much!  Happy Holidays!

Donation drive Dec 2015 b

Donation drive dec 2015 a

Donation drive Dec 2015 c

Donation drive Dec 2015 d