Thursday, April 12, will be an especially exciting day for the Southside SPCA as we will be holding two awesome fundraisers at the Sunchase Shopping Center in Farmville!

First, from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM you can enjoy some great pizza at the new Pizza World location.  Plus, we’ll have some cool raffle items available.  The Southside SPCA will earn 20% of all proceeds during that time!  Pizza World is located at 237 Sunchase Blvd. in Farmville.

Our second event of the day is super exciting as well.  Sunchase Cinema 8 will be showing a premiere of the new movie, Sgt. Stubby, An American Hero, at 7:00 PM.  This family-friendly animated film features Sgt. Stubby, a homeless dog who stumbles into World War I and becomes a hero.  A portion of all ticket sales will benefit the Southside SPCA.  We’ll have some great raffles at this event along with cool t-shirts and our prize wheel.  Sunchase Cinema is located at 215 Sunchase Blvd., Farmville, VA.

We hope to see you at both of these events.  Pizza and a movie to support the animals of the Southside SPCA!  What could be better!