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Schedule of Events for our April 30 Open House!

Our Spring Open House is Saturday, April 30, from 12:00 to 4:00!  We will have over 45 great raffle items with drawings at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00.  Our first drawing will be at 1:00 for the “Grand Prize” where the winner selects ANY raffle prize they want!  The great items in our raffle include awesome baskets for both dogs and cats as well as humans, rain barrels, garden sculptures, and lots of gift cards.

While you wait for the raffle drawings you can tour our facilities, meet our dogs and cats, visit with supporters and craft vendors, and enjoy music, popcorn, games, and FUN!  Don’t forget to grab a bite to eat at the BoJangles food truck!

We hope to see you there!