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A New Beginning for Three Sisters

The last thing a family should have to worry about when a loved one dies is who will care for the pets left behind when the family members are unable to do so.  This is where rescue organizations such as the Southside SPCA can step in to help ease the pain and uncertainty.  This was the case when a friend of the Southside SPCA passed away recently, leaving behind four cats that could not be cared for by the family, three of which were bonded Himalayan mixed sisters.  Although adopting three cats to the same home is not an easy feat, we felt it was our responsibility to do our very best to keep them together if possible. When a wonderful adopter applied to adopt two of the sisters, we were hesitant at first, but ultimately decided that we simply could not pass on the opportunity to keep two of them together in what we deemed to be a perfect fit.  The family members of our deceased friend agreed. We then turned our attention to finding the perfect home for the last sister, Orchid.  While we had several interested applicants, the adoption counselors agreed we would be patient and continue searching for the perfect home for her.  Our patience was rewarded when one very special person – our friend, long- time supporter, and volunteer shelter photographer, Jillian Chilson – applied for and adopted Orchid after seeing the her advertised on our Facebook page, Friends of Southside SPCA! We were so happy that we could provide care and help these sisters.  Your donations and support mean that cats like Orchid have a second chance at a happy ending.